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文章来源:www.lilybai.net 编辑:子愿移民 发布时间:2016-10-25 浏览次数: 次
All the rights are also given to old investors, that have already bought a property according to the previous immigration law.
Investors and their spouses may apply for citizenship after a 7-year stay in Greece.
Underage foreigner (meaningunder 18 years old) that residencespermanently and legally in Greece has a right to obtain Greek citizenship ifhe/she was a student at a Greek school either of 6 classes on the secondaryeducation (12-18 years old) or 9 classes all together. Kinder garden is notcounting towards those years.
Foreigner that livespermanently and legally in Greece and is a graduate of a Greek university or Technogical Institute can obtain the Greek citizenship if he/she has completeda secondary level and graduated from a Greek school. The application can befilled during a 3 years deadline from the graduation date.
Investor will be able to sell his/her property before the expiration of 5 years to another foreign citizen, who can also apply for the RP. However, in order for the new investor to acquire the RP, the first one will have to abolish it.